Saturday, September 8, 2012

What Are You Really Here For?

Ok, it's been a while since I've written about anything so I figured I'd warm up with a blog more on the serious side. Don't worry, there will be plenty of other topics for me to make a shitload of jokes or whatever about. But, I'm sure most people know that I am a recording artist, and unquestionably I take that more seriously than anything. So my question to alot of people who have the same dreams as me, and the people who are already enjoying marginal success in the industry is "What are you here for?" What do I mean?? It's simple. Basically you have to ask yourself how do you envision your life being 20 years from now? To me it seems like the vast majority of "Artists" if they can even be called that, have short sighted vision. Everything is about "how can I make a million dollars and smash as many hoes as possible?" "OOO I can rap and have the hottest new club banger!!!" Ok, that's all well & good for 1-3 years to have all that money in your pocket and enjoy the fast life of doing whatever it is that you dreamed of doing...But of course, everybody who's had money knows, that shit will leave you alot faster than you got it. Then what?? What's your next step? How are you going to survive? Where are all the cars, jewelry and clothes you blew all your money at in that short time frame? Better yet, where are them hoes you were trying to impress that also took a chunk of that money as well? See the problem with young niggas nowadays, they think the world is that "black & white". I get a hot beat--record this banger--get that shit on the radio and in the club--it blows up--then i get hoes....Seriously?? Is that all life is really about? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with wanting women and a shitload of money cuz hell, I would enjoy that myself...But...When it comes down to it, the stability of myself and my family is a million times more important to me than that. I'm worried about how my kids are gonna live their lives..I'm worried about how their kids are gonna live their lives..My mom, my sister and every person I truly care about (which isn't many lol) but still you get my point...When that "well" runs dry on alot of these entertainers there gonna be worse off than they were before they even got all that money, cuz by then they'll be in debt, have tax problems, have kids they're struggling to support and a host of other problems..My objective is not only to enjoy the fruits of my labor but to extend that into something like an empire for my family to thrive off of for generations..I love music more than anything, and I work extremely hard at it, but music is my springboard to alot more great things in life..People like Jay-Z, Diddy, 50 Cent and a couple others realized this at a young age which is why they're in the positions that they're in..But a overwhelming majority of the niggas doing music, are in it for that quick dollar and and will enjoy their 10 minutes of fame..You'll be in a convenience store 10 years from now and ask the clerk for a Black & Mild and when he turns around it'll be a Young LA or some shit, asking if you want "plastic" or "wood tips" lol...The key is to treat yourself like a BRAND, which none of these niggas do, which is why they won't be around but a minute, and be broke the rest of their lives...A whole bunch of clowns living to be rich for 5 years smh...I can't speak for anyone else, but I know once I'm in the door, I'll be around for a very long time..Bet that!

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